Web Design Booth are a dime a dozen and there are plenty of opinions on what makes a beautiful website. But design is a complex subject that has many different aspects and influences things like user experience, conversions, and even your bottom line. So it’s important to get advice based on research instead of just personal taste.
Color is one of the most important factors in a great website, and it’s also one of the most misunderstood. There’s a lot more to it than just picking your favorite shade of red or blue; each color has a different emotional connotation and must be carefully paired with others in order to create harmony and balance. For example, an exhilarating red might not be the best choice for a company that wants to convey tranquility and peace.
Color Psychology in Web Design: How to Choose the Right Palette for Your Website
Another aspect of great website design is the way a site’s content is structured. It’s important to create a clear hierarchy so that visitors know what’s most important, and you can use visual cues like size, spacing, color, contrast, and symmetry or asymmetry to direct attention. For example, the dog in the header graphic of Top Level designer Khoi Vinh’s Subtraction draws more attention than the text below it, despite the fact that both have equal weight.
Good graphics aren’t always necessary, but they can definitely help. Using graphics that are well-paired and scaled with the rest of the design is key, as is using the proper amount of white space. Too much can make a page look messy, but too little can leave the user confused and frustrated.